The band Suicidal Tendencies have this song, with a catchy hook lyric
"Got to kill Captain Stupid", and another lyric that resonates:
"If Your Life Sucks, you suck"
So this post is about the Ego, and I'm reading Ryan Holiday's "Ego is the Enemy",
and correlated these two things, the song and the Ego.
At first I thought Cap'n Stupid was drugs, or being 'stupid' on substances,
likely because I was
Now I can relate it more to my ego's need to smother and control, everything.
What comes of that?
Resentment of others towards you,
more Ego inflation,
droning on<
Then you feel bad, about yourself - for trying. Damn, ego, you're good.
You can offput everyone, and externalize anything.
Gotta kill Cap'n Stupid.